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Migrating Microchips

Meet 'Phoenix':

Here is an anatomical depiction of where each of the twelve microchips were implanted. Below is a color coded key with descriptions of each chip location.

Photo May 19, 2 52 22 PM.jpg


Implanting the Microchips

A horse with no history of gastrointestinal disease underwent a ventral midline celiotomy to implant twelve bioinert microchips into the subserosa at predetermined locations within the large colon and cecum.


Data Collection

A  RFID (radio-frequency identification) scanner was used to monitor the location of the colon via transcutaneous identification 1-5 times daily for a one-month period.

Photo Jun 20, 9 08 46 AM_edited.jpg
Photo Jun 20, 10 02 42 AM.jpg



Following humane euthanasia, postmortem examination of the horse was performed to assess microchip implantation sites for migration and histologic assessment.

So How Does it Work?

Above depicts a video of a typical scan that was performed 1-5 times daily at various times in relation to meal status. 

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Sponsored by the USDA & Department of Clinical Sciences at Colorado State University

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